Book of Daniel
Having received many requests for this book from Pastors and Bible Students in many lands, Rev. Clarence Larkin, though suffering in body, yet strong in spirit, pressed on till this Book of Daniel was completed, then His loving Savior and Lord said, “Come home and rest with Me.”
Throughout this work, Rev. Larkin has managed to provide an Exposition of The Book of Daniel in an easy readable way. He has helped to provide a roadmap through complex Biblical prophecy.
Item B004
Contained within the 267 pages are a number of Larkin's beautifully drawn charts and illustrations. The book is hardbound in cloth and dust jacketed.
Appeals for a picture of the author come from many who had been blessed by his ministry, and to gratify their wish, a frontispiece of the author and a facsimile of his autograph were placed in the book.